Luke's Birth Story Slideshow Luke - 2nd Kennedy baby & Sam's best friend. Luke was born in 2009 at Woman's Hospital - Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Lilly's Birth Story Slideshow Lilly - 3rd Kennedy baby & princess of the house. Lilly was born in 2013 at Woman's Hospital - Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Kiria & Ismael · Fort Lauderdale, FL

Hugh Taylor Birch State Park Engagements

At fifteen years old, that quiet skater boy seemed like quite the cutie to Kiria. Little did she know back then, he would be the love of her life. Something about each other clicked back at the time… maybe it was Kiria’s make up skills and her killer eyeliner or the way that little by little the quiet boy was making an effort to talk to her. First and forever love. Straight off of a Nicholas Sparks book. This couple has grown together as individuals meshing the ties of their love into every memory. They have been there through high school, family trips, they have explored just about all South Florida’s fishing spots and watched every movie to ever come out in theaters together. Soon they will be tying the knot. It would of been a lot sooner if he would given her the ring that he carried in his pocket for about six months waiting for the right moment to ask her the one question he was sure she would say yes to. But it wasn’t until they were at the beach, the same kind of place where they had first shared an “I love you” that he surprised her with an intimate and simple proposal. Five years together now they are making all the necessary plans to begin their forever.

During the launch of this new website, I had a Instagram giveaway for a complimentary couples session and they were the winners. They had all their friends pitch in submissions and sure enough, the luck of the draw was in their favor. I couldn’t of asked for a sweeter more adorable couple to feature… this photo shoot has quickly become one of my favorites. Kiria’s ideas went right along with the kind of shoot I envisioned for them. Young, fun and romantic. These pictures are such a darling combination of their personalities and likes. Ismael was so ready to put that rod into the water and catch a fish! (and just in case you were wondering, he didn’t) We drove to Hugh Taylor Birch State Park for their engagement session specifically because Kiria really wanted to shoot on a canoe. After researching and weekend exploring, this would be the perfect park for them. I had never been there before but I was so pleasantly surprised at how nice it was just about every corner. That is until it’s reaching closing time and they made us jump the fence to get to our cars… craziest photo session finale EVER. I mean I think I will now make sure we are done shooting half an hour before any park closes  because these park rangers were ready to go! Thank goodness Kiria, Ismael, Elizabeth and Lia were all troopers and we jumped that fence like it was nobody’s business. So proud of us… whatever it takes guys. Whatever it takes.

Thank you both for persisting in wanting to shoot with me because otherwise I would of totally missed out in getting to know you and bonding over my embarrassing “bathroom stories”. Can’t wait to see what happens wedding time. 🙂 Folks, without further ado, K & I’s engagement session.

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abigail vigoa photographyabigail vigoa photography

2 Responses

  1. note from:

    Beautiful people gorgeous photos.

    • note from:
      Abigail Vigoa

      Thank you so much Belkys!

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