Luke's Birth Story Slideshow Luke - 2nd Kennedy baby & Sam's best friend. Luke was born in 2009 at Woman's Hospital - Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Lilly's Birth Story Slideshow Lilly - 3rd Kennedy baby & princess of the house. Lilly was born in 2013 at Woman's Hospital - Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Lover’s Key Engagements

Good morning dear friends! This next post is one that I never thought I would be writing, let alone sharing pictures with you because whenever your kid-friends start getting hitched you seem to fall into the ‘old folk’ category and sometimes that means you are no longer ‘cool’ enough to hang out with the new couples. My best friend’s kid sister is getting married and this is their love story. There are many versions to it since depending on who you ask they have their take on how it all began, but I will share my bit first. For as long as I can remember Rosemary talking about boys, there was this guy named Alex that she had an immense crush on. He lived far away from her so she seldom got to see him but once she would, it would make up for the next couple of months of absence. She spoke so highly of him and so far they were just friends. Years went by and every time I would ask, what’s new, she would say the same thing. Still crushing on that guy Alex. The far away friend. Until one day Jael my cousin shares the most exciting news, Alex had asked Rosemary to be his girlfriend. After so long, after hearing about him for what seemed ages… Rosemary and Alex were a thing. I met Alex the day of our engagement session together for the first time, and in just that short while we spent together, I see why Rose waited and waited all along for this man to become more than just her friend. When Rose approached me about photographing their engagements and wedding, it felt like she grew from that sweaty kid running barefoot in the backyard to a bride to be in just a blink of an eye and here we are… months away from the big day.

Now, if you ask Alex how this all started you will for sure get the story with a side of humor because it wouldn’t be him any other way. “After a long of chasing him… she finally caught him.” But I will summarize the story by means of emojis since he used quite a few when writing to me:

🤔 ..  😏  ..  👀😏😅 … 💃🏻❤️ .. 😅😁😍😍

Rose, I couldn’t be happier that this is your person. It’s so beautiful to see you all geeking out about someone that is just as crazy about you. These were my favorites from our time together.

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Naples Engagement Photography
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Naples Engagement Photography

“Abby, lo que viste ese día en el parque y la playa, es básicamente nuestra relación… rizas, abrazos, y uno que otro golpe ( porque es cubana 😅) y mucho (muuuuuucho) amor ❤️…. I love her with all my ❤️…. even cuando tengo un mal día, su sonrisa me hace olvidar todo 😁💘…. la amo y quiero pasar el resto de mi vida con ella.” – Alex
Naples Engagement Photography
Naples Engagement Photography

“Since the moment I met you (five years ago) and then as we became friends, I knew you would be someone special in my life. But, I never truly knew how much until the day you said, “I love you”. I looked into your eyes and felt I was home. I never felt so sure of anything in my life except in that instant when I knew I wanted to spend forever with you. In what seems to be a short amount of time, you have become everything to me. You are my best friend, the one I can come to for everything, and I know that with out fail you will be there to catch me. I can truly say you have been there for me through it all, the good and unfortunately the bad as well and all this has taught me what kind of man you are. I’ve never met such a caring man in my life. You have gone far and beyond not just for me but for my family and that means the world to me. There is no one that can make me laugh the way you do. I’m so thankful I found someone with such an amazing sense of humor even though sometimes you push my buttons, you still find the right thing to say or do that just puts that big goofy smile back on my face. I can’t even begin to explain how much you truly mean to me and how deeply in love I am with you but luckily I will have a lifetime to show you how much I love you. I know there will be many up and downs in our marriage but knowing you will be by my side comforts me because I know everything will work out. I’m so ready for our new life to begin… I can’t wait until I finally get to marry you, mi corazon and become your wife. ” – Rose

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Naples Engagement Photography
Naples Engagement Photography
Naples Engagement Photography
Naples Engagement Photography
Naples Engagement Photography
Naples Engagement Photography
Naples Engagement Photography
Naples Engagement Photography
Naples Engagement Photography
Naples Engagement Photography
Naples Engagement Photography
Naples Engagement Photography
Naples Engagement Photography
Naples Engagement Photography
Naples Engagement Photography
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Naples Engagement Photography

I can’t wait to see you in November all dressed up… it will warm my heart and for sure make me cry to live and celebrate this moment with you. Love you so much! Someone else that loves you is Jael and Jailyn that made the journey along with me to capture these images of you. We are all so happy for the both of you. Lester filmed as I was shooting a mini-trailer of our time at the beach with them, here it is: enjoy!

Thank you all for your help, and especially to my husband for coming along and getting us those drone shots we wanted. Love you babe!


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