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Dylan's Candy Bar Adventure · TWIN TUESDAYS

ICE CREAM in SOBE with the Troubles

Some days I can’t quite figure out what our day should be like once we’ve woken up. It seems we have fallen into a bit of a routine. Breakfast, cartoons, I answer emails or edit for a few, play in their room, lunch, nap time, I work while they nap, run whatever kind of errand, dinner, they go down for bed and I go back to working. Not what you call a horrible day but I definitely need to change it up and add in some fun for my little guys. Even though they are only a year and a half, I wish you could all see just how excited they get when they are out and about exploring. Nowadays their favorite word is car. They will say it both in Spanish and in English and sometimes I feel that Matthew likes to repeat it twice. so it will be car-car. It’s not easy understanding their lingo, and quite honestly I think I’m lost 90 percent of the time but I do try. Cars or anything with wheels are their favorite. They will point them out while we drive, while we’re walking in the parking lot, on  tv… you name it. So it was no surprise that last week when we went out for a little shopping in Lincoln Road they were having a blast watching the cars pass by. My mother was at another store and while we waited Sam snapped these of us, window shopping and car watching. The taxi was by far their favorite.

dylans candy bar south beach
dylans candy bar south beach
dylans candy bar south beach
dylans candy bar south beach
dylans candy bar south beach
dylans candy bar south beach
dylans candy bar south beach
dylans candy bar south beach

I’ve recently seen lots of other mom bloggers post on Instagram pictures of their kids having ice-cream by themselves and although the boys love the stuff I had never gotten them a cone on their own. I knew it would get messy, but then again it’s always messy when it comes to my boys. We walked a couple blocks and ended up in Dylan’s Candy Bar. I knew that the ice-cream would be just the icing on the cake once they walked in and saw all the candy. They were in little-boy-heaven I tell you. So many options. Such colorful things to pick-up and ask for. I could just imagine what was going through their little minds.

dylans candy bar south beach
dylans candy bar south beach
dylans candy bar south beach
dylans candy bar south beach
dylans candy bar south beach
dylans candy bar south beach
dylans candy bar south beach
dylans candy bar south beach
dylans candy bar south beach
dylans candy bar south beach
dylans candy bar south beach
dylans candy bar south beach
dylans candy bar south beach
dylans candy bar south beach
dylans candy bar south beach
dylans candy bar south beach
dylans candy bar south beach
dylans candy bar south beach
dylans candy bar south beach

The Miami heat and the speed that a toddler would eat an ice-cream cone were a definite recipe for disaster. I absolutely loved watching their little faces as the ice-cream melted into their hands… “Mom we’re getting dirty, do something!” Ah to be that age again and have my mother fully allow me to enjoy making a mess of myself. She was there with us cringing at the thought of what was happening, judging my parental decisions and regretting the fact that she volunteers to do our laundry while our machines aren’t installed. Oh the horror for my poor extra picky Cuban mother. This is what really happens when you give a child a cone. It gets everywhere and your children will one day thank you for letting them be. Just think about how great these throwbacks will be when they’re older. 🙂 In Miami, with 94 degree weather we have sweaty hair and melted cones and there’s nothing I would trade about that!

Thank you Sam for being such a sport and enduring the heat along with us! Ice-cream for us is on me next time! And in case you moms were wondering, I took them to bathroom next door and washed them in the sink and brought them home in diapers. Because it was way to hot to be out there any other way. Happy Tuesday all!


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