Luke's Birth Story Slideshow Luke - 2nd Kennedy baby & Sam's best friend. Luke was born in 2009 at Woman's Hospital - Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Lilly's Birth Story Slideshow Lilly - 3rd Kennedy baby & princess of the house. Lilly was born in 2013 at Woman's Hospital - Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Carter’s Birth Story

I can easily recall the emotions of every family’s birth session that I have done thus far. Whether t the mom was in pain the whole way through, the dad was extremely nervous, the grandparents were anxious to meet the newest member of the family, if labor process was long, the time of day I was called out to rush to the hospital… all these details can rather quickly come to mind because I have an excellent power to remember the small things. For Lindsay, remembering the small things was equally as important. She was writing a blog of her pregnancy period and of the most anticipated day during the whole nine months, the day that baby Carter arrived. This particular birth session was so special. It was amongst the first I ever shot. Those of you readers that live in Baton Rouge may recognize this wonderful couple. Lindsay & Trey have appeared on billboards and local commercials as participants for Woman’s Hospital’s promotional campaign. (You can watch one of their commercials here) When I was contacted to work with them I was so thrilled.

Then the day arrived and it was no surprise because Lindsay was induced. Everyone was excited about finally getting to meet him so they all waited in the waiting room while baby Carter was born. Trey is another of those dads who’s eyes say so much.. I loved watching his surprised look at his first glance of Carter. He was such a big chunky baby! Can’t believe Lindsay had him naturally so easily. When I left the hospital from this session I had the such a happy glow. Even though I was extremely tired, SUPER duper zonked, the sense of satisfaction of accomplishing something special overpowered the pooped feeling. I felt so fortunate to of met a wonderful family that values each other and can openly express their love for one another. All the births I get to photograph are special but Lindsay being as sweet as she is just makes it all that more memorable. Friends, this is Carter’s birth story.

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Thank you for capturing every detail and emotion on Carter’s big day…I find myself speechless and in awe of every moment in every picture! Each and every day I see our birth photos, all the emotions come back to me, a rush of sheer happiness, and I love that not only do I have memories to hold onto, but pictures to last for a lifetime. You captured our special day so perfectly! I’ve made a photo birth album book to share on Carter’s birthday and I hope you can come see it one day soon 🙂 All of his birth and newborn are scattered throughout our house. I’ll send you pictures of everything!” – Lindsay Steele

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