Luke's Birth Story Slideshow Luke - 2nd Kennedy baby & Sam's best friend. Luke was born in 2009 at Woman's Hospital - Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Lilly's Birth Story Slideshow Lilly - 3rd Kennedy baby & princess of the house. Lilly was born in 2013 at Woman's Hospital - Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Thomas’ Birth Story

It’s that time. The time to go to the hospital because the baby is coming. You have been waiting months and it’s finally here. You have a plan & you’re ready to see your baby. I get a phone call and all of the sudden I am ready too. I get all giddy inside – a sudden rush of excitement comes over me as I take the drive to the hospital. Most of the time it’s too early or late to stop by Starbucks to grab some liquid pick me up. So I have to wait for the hospital’s cafeteria to open. I get some fuel and snacks that usually help me get through hours of waiting along with my mommy until crunch time. Natural births are so unpredictable. I’ve been in some that last long hours and one that seemed like the mom pushed twice and the baby was out. I am always very hopeful (for the mom’s sake) that it is the latter scenario. Despite being in labor, Jenna was so cheerful. The kind of hopeful smile that put me at ease with the family. After every contraction Jenna would breakout with laughter. It was hard to imagine that she was in any pain when you would see her smiling so much. She used a smiling technique while in labor that helped her look so happy and relaxed in all her pictures. We joked that since she was using the labor pool, she was sipping apple juice cocktails in the jacuzzi, this was all too easy.

Her husband was so supportive. He knew where things were and exactly what to do to comfort her. Even down to the wonderful aromatherapy. Little did we know at the time that we were in for the longest birth I had ever witnessed to date. Jenna kept switching from the laboring pool and the hospital bed, alternating exercise positions and trying to remain calm through it all. After twenty two hours ( quite normal if you weren’t in a hospital setting ) we got to meet the precious little miracle. Jenna I’m sure felt as if she had ran the longest marathon of her life but how sweet it was to finally have him in her arms. All the family members were fast asleep at home since this little one arrived in the middle of the night but rest assure they were all thrilled to meet him the next morning. This is Thomas’ birth story.

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Love catching up the blog with all of the birth stories I’ve captured. Stay tuned for all the new ones that are to come and the favorites that have yet to make it on the blog.

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