Luke's Birth Story Slideshow Luke - 2nd Kennedy baby & Sam's best friend. Luke was born in 2009 at Woman's Hospital - Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Lilly's Birth Story Slideshow Lilly - 3rd Kennedy baby & princess of the house. Lilly was born in 2013 at Woman's Hospital - Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

School Yard Exploring

Do you have a place away from home where most of your childhood memories took place? A place you could visit now and tell a story about how you used to love it there and how it remains such a special memory… I have a place like that. It’s this place we recently had our pictures taken at. Growing up I was a very awkward child. Not quite 100% into staying inside playing with my dolls and not a tomboy either. I just liked to climb things. Trees, monkey bars. There used to be two monkey bar sets in this park. I remember hanging off the top upside down until my head hurt. Then there was that tree… a massive beauty you can spot in the pictures. Right along with my childhood best friend I used to climb that tree and it felt like that would be our place forever. It’s been many moons since I was a little girl there but that feeling still remains. I drove by the other day and saw that they hadn’t cut the grass in a while and thought it would be the perfect opportunity to bring the boys for some exploring. I was a bit afraid of there being snakes but I trusted my gutt and lead the way through. They ran and hopped out and about… Will pretended to be asleep, they danced and I soaked it all in. Because one day, not to far from now, they will be coming back, not to play, but to go to school and I know I’ll be a puddle of mush for sure. Sending two off away for the first time makes my heart ache. Such emptiness will fill my days. I still have about three years to go, I know. But one can never start preparing too early.

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↑↑↑ Those kisses are my absolute favorite!!! Sometimes he forgets to pucker his lips and I just end up kissing his wide open mouth. Which is kinda weird for all of you that don’t have kids, but if you’re a momma you know that comes along with the territory.
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vigoa twins

Ugh they are the sweetest thing to each other. Hyper, but super sweet. I love them oh so much. I hope you all are enjoying #twintuesdays! Have you got any ideas of what we could do in this wonderful city we live in? I love to hear your feedback as to activities that you personally love to do with your children in Miami. As always, thanks for reading!


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