Luke's Birth Story Slideshow Luke - 2nd Kennedy baby & Sam's best friend. Luke was born in 2009 at Woman's Hospital - Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Lilly's Birth Story Slideshow Lilly - 3rd Kennedy baby & princess of the house. Lilly was born in 2013 at Woman's Hospital - Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

being a twin mom

What’s it like being a twin mom?

Every time someone asks me this, which happens to be a lot for some reason, I answer with the same response… “I wouldn’t know what it’s like being any other kind of mom.” Being a mom to twins I’m sure would be different if you were to have older children. At that point you would be able to compare, but when it happens the first time around you know nothing else but always repeating everything twice. Being a mother to however many children is the greatest blessing we as women will ever have. These little humans we grow inside are truly the best gift. For the 9 months approximately that we carry them inside we have the privilege of having them entirely to ourselves.

Hanging out with the Vigoas · TWIN TUESDAYS

entering the terrible twos

I’ve been carrying a huge lump in my throat these past couple of weeks. Something has just felt completely off and I wasn’t quite sure what it was until today. This week the boys are turning two. Although some may see it as a reason to celebrate, my heart is taking a beating knowing that we are way past the baby stage entering this unknown territory of testing limits and pushing boundaries I am not quite prepared for. Moments where my hand is shoved or constantly trying to be let go. Moments where I can’t quite understand what is happening before me because my kids are upset and they are hitting their head against things. Such as the wall or the floor.


outdoor exploring

Whenever I plan to leave the house the first thing I think about is, I wonder what mom is doing? My mom is usually the first call in the morning and the last person I see other than D and the kids every day. What would our life be without her? I can’t even begin to imagine how miserable I would be if I didn’t live close by or have her in my life. Sometimes while we’re grocery shopping or on one of our many weekly Target runs someone will stop us to see the twins and they will mention to me how good it is to have my mother around for help. They have no idea. Mom not only is my main baby-sitter whenever I have to work,

Hanging out with the Vigoas · Ask Abby

there’s two?? Twins!!

How did you find out you were having twins?

I’ve heard women in the past talk about how they knew things about their baby by mere instinct when they were pregnant. Like how they felt they were having a girl/boy even before ultrasounds existed. There’s one mom I know that all along her pregnancy she thought she was having twins and had to wait until she delivered to confirm. Maybe that’s what would of happened to me if we were in living in those days of no medical intervention.

I was about 6 weeks pregnant when we found out we were expecting a baby. My husband and I were thrilled to share the news with family & 


Finding Balance

It’s two AM and I’m tucked away in my corner blogging away tomorrow’s post. D is watching a movie in bed near me because he’s waiting for me to finish working so that we could go to sleep together. 

The boys are tired of playing with their toys and I’ve now put on a movie for them to watch while I edit in bed. But just as always, they are ready to take off in every direction. I put my computer and little by little get more and more aggravated each time they jump off the bed. By the fifth time I am telling them I am going to put them in time out if they don’t stay still.