Luke's Birth Story Slideshow Luke - 2nd Kennedy baby & Sam's best friend. Luke was born in 2009 at Woman's Hospital - Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Lilly's Birth Story Slideshow Lilly - 3rd Kennedy baby & princess of the house. Lilly was born in 2013 at Woman's Hospital - Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Leoana & Javier · Ft.Lauderdale, FL

Vintage Inspired Engagements

vintage inspired engagements canoe

I’ve found the one who I want to spend the rest of my life with.

My dearest of friends, this next engagement session has quickly climbed to the charts as one of the best days I have ever had out there with couples. I so thoroughly enjoyed spending the afternoon documenting Leoana & Javier’s love story that it still makes me smile just thinking about it. There are times when your couple is just giggly, sweet and all about taking delight in just gazing into each others eyes. Their chemistry was undeniable and I hope you all can see it from just one picture as well. Leoana had wanted all along her own version of the movie,



There isn’t anyone I’d rather continue this journey with than Ana.”

Happy Thursday my dearest friends! I’ve got for you all an engagement session that’s been giving me all the feels while editing. Perhaps it’s because I personally knew the couple before they were an item and way before I ever dreamed I would be their wedding photographer. Meet Ana and Aren (love the way their names sound together by the way). We spent a very cloudy and windy (the windiest I’d say) afternoon exploring Matheson Hammock Park searching for all the Spanish moss and documenting these two adorable love. I was told before hand that they weren’t the “cutesy couple” but I beg to differ after this session.

Arlene & Carlos · Styled Engagement Shoot

boho chic engagements

Happy Monday friends! Although some of you may be dreading the beginning of another week, I am over here happily welcoming it with open arms. So many December proposals has whipped up a wave of brides searching for their ideal engagement/wedding photographer and it’s given me the extra push I need to finish my couples website and make 2017 a fabulous year filled with photographs of couples in love.

I’ve recently had the pleasure of collaborating with an exceptional group of local makeup artist to create pictures that we ourselves would like taken. Whether its because of a setting or a particular use of non-traditional colors, styled shoots give us the freedom of having our craft grow. This particular shoot I am about to show you all is a collaboration with Keyla Martinez from Eye Creations by  Keyla.


Matheson Hammock Park Engagements

I could be in the middle of a desert about to be eaten by a lion and I’d still feel safe, as long as I’m in his arms. He understands and supports all of my craziness. Like the fact that I can’t stand my feet touching wet grass, so he just carries me over it. I love that we can sit for hours and talk about anything at all from that one basketball player that got injured or fantasy football to what matches better with this top for Friday night or the bachelor is starting on Monday! He was my best friend before we even liked each other and he will always and forever be my bestest friend!


Palm Beach Engagement Session

Sunrise beach engagements in palm beach

Whenever a couple chooses to have their engagement session at the beach I am always cheering inside silently until the day of their photo shoot arrives. I won’t sway anyone in any direction whether they are considering a park, beach, indoors at home, local coffee shop… I let them picture what their perfect in love setting would be… but when it happens to be at the beach, there’s something so romantic about the beach. Somehow the combination of land and water always gets to me. I’ll be browsing Pinterest boards and those photographs that were taken either by the ocean or lake have that extra factor that makes my heart sing. Add the beautiful colors of a sunrise or sunset and I am in love.