Luke's Birth Story Slideshow Luke - 2nd Kennedy baby & Sam's best friend. Luke was born in 2009 at Woman's Hospital - Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Lilly's Birth Story Slideshow Lilly - 3rd Kennedy baby & princess of the house. Lilly was born in 2013 at Woman's Hospital - Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Hanging out with the Vigoas · Ask Abby

there’s two?? Twins!!

How did you find out you were having twins?

I’ve heard women in the past talk about how they knew things about their baby by mere instinct when they were pregnant. Like how they felt they were having a girl/boy even before ultrasounds existed. There’s one mom I know that all along her pregnancy she thought she was having twins and had to wait until she delivered to confirm. Maybe that’s what would of happened to me if we were in living in those days of no medical intervention.

I was about 6 weeks pregnant when we found out we were expecting a baby. My husband and I were thrilled to share the news with family & 


Finding Balance

It’s two AM and I’m tucked away in my corner blogging away tomorrow’s post. D is watching a movie in bed near me because he’s waiting for me to finish working so that we could go to sleep together. 

The boys are tired of playing with their toys and I’ve now put on a movie for them to watch while I edit in bed. But just as always, they are ready to take off in every direction. I put my computer and little by little get more and more aggravated each time they jump off the bed. By the fifth time I am telling them I am going to put them in time out if they don’t stay still. 

Disney World with The Vigoas

Hollywood Studios with my twin toddlers

Our second park visit was to Disney’s Hollywood Studios. D’s favorite. Mainly because of Star Wars, but also because of his favorite rides (The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror & Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster). I’m not going to pretend like I’m not into it as well, but leave me at the princess and princes park all week and I’m a happy camper. The weather that day was off the charts one of the hottest days of the year in Orlando. The boys don’t do very well in the heat, so I knew it would be “one of those days” for us. We tried to keep our time outside as minimal as possible and bought them spray fans to cool off.

Disney World with the Vigoas

a day at Magic Kingdom with toddlers

These past two months have been nothing short of intense workdays for both D and I. We have no such thing as “sleeping breaks” since we go to bed once our work for the day has been completed. We’re exhausted. After returning from Louisiana from a work trip he did because of the flooding, I knew it was time to plan a mini escape. These escapes of ours last just about a couple of days but they help us switch up the routine and come back refreshed to our responsibilities at home. I was aching for a couple of days at the beach and when I suggested it, he turned my idea down for Disney. Not the most relaxing place I could think of,

2016 Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses · Twin Tuesday

Twins at the BB&T

This past weekend we enjoyed together as a family our 2016 convention at the BB&T Center. I was worried all along as to how the boys would behave during the program since they are quite the wiggle worms lately and boy was I surprised. They did great! So much anticipation stress for nothing… I am so proud of them. They behaved so well that D and I thoroughly enjoyed the program and all the spiritual food prepared for us. This convention unlike others in the past, was filled with videos that really captivated their attention and although the boys are still only one, it intrigued them enough to stay watching. They understand and know so much more than I give them credit for.