Luke's Birth Story Slideshow Luke - 2nd Kennedy baby & Sam's best friend. Luke was born in 2009 at Woman's Hospital - Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Lilly's Birth Story Slideshow Lilly - 3rd Kennedy baby & princess of the house. Lilly was born in 2013 at Woman's Hospital - Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
South Florida Maternity Photography

Awaiting baby Jacob

When you find out your friends are expecting another baby you kinda take it as if your own family was growing. Playdates will soon change when a new little one joins the crew, everyone starts getting the baby bug once again because that newborn smell is DELICIOUS, and for a momma of two boys like me, I just can’t wait to see them handling two munchkins just like us. Baby Jacob will come along and fit right in the best friend circle the boys have with Isabella. That’s our side of the story. As for Laura, I know this pregnancy means everything to her. She’s already experienced it one time before so she knows what to expect. Less nerves and more excitement.


Awaiting Baby Liam

When a couple first finds out that they are going to be parents one of two things happen. Either they freak out with happiness because it has been something that they have longed for or they are in shock with the “O-M-G we’re going to be parents, what now?” syndrome. Regardless which one of those two scenarios you went through the day you found out your life had forever changed, this is certain: nothing and I mean ‘NOTHING’ prepared you for what that meant. That little person, better said ‘your little person’ is here and you can’t imagine what life would ever be without them. No amount of reading or research. No amount of practicing with other folks kids. Nothing.


Awaiting Baby Annalise

I knew I wanted to be a mom from the moment my sister was born. Seeing that bundle of chubbiness wrapped in a blanket, so innocent and vulnerable, and knowing I would get to keep her forever. That’s crazy to think because I was only four years old. Now nineteen years later I’m going to have the same little bundle of joy at the age of twenty-three and it’s been one rollercoaster of emotions. I remember the day we found out we were pregnant. I don’t know if we were more scared or excited. Scared of not knowing the kind of parents we would be but excited because we were given the gift to raise a little human all of our own.


Awaiting baby Amina

A couple months ago I had the privilege of photographing a little girl’s special surprise announcement. Her parents had been saving the news that she was going to be a big sister until our session together. Imani was so thrilled when she found out mommy was expecting a baby and she even said that it was going to be a baby sister. Well, Stephanie… she called it! A new princess will be arriving soon. On one of the coldest mornings we’ve had this winter in South Florida we explored Matheson Hammock Park for their family-maternity session. Every time I visit the park at sunrise I fall more and more in love with spanish moss and how beautifully it photographs hanging on those trees. 


Awaiting baby Amy

miami maternity photographer

Motherhood is a time where we women evolve into another version of ourselves. Something clicks the moment we see those two lines on a stick and life as we knew it before forever changes. Whether we are the active let’s go for a walk at the park mom, or the million of pictures scattered around the floor hurry up the kids are napping let me scrapbook mom, the mom that calls in to the babysitter from work on the hour to make sure everything is okay, or the would you look at that, it’s bedtime kids, time for mommy and daddy time mom… you are no longer just a girl, a woman or a wife. You have a little person that has shifted the way you used to do things before.